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THE WEDDING OF FLOWERS: Turkish silk needle lace exhibition
Nature tells about life even with leaves that bloom in spring and fall in autumn, and this expression is carried to the future with various forms and rich views. A flower can talk with its colours as well as with its scent. Like the Renaissance artists who wanted to describe the world as it is, nature was described sometimes a confidant, sometimes a rival, and sometimes a realm of symbols in the imaginary gardens of the Anatolian people.
Reflecting the superior intelligence, taste, refinement and creativity of the Anatolian people, lace embroidery and needlework have been lovingly made from the past to the present. Laces are unique in the world in terms of both their technical and motif features, and they are also rich enough to be a source in our decoration art.
In the exhibition titled The Wedding of Flowers, inspired by nature, and named after the most beautiful of the seasons, spring and its herald flowers, hundreds of needle laces that came out of the skilful hands of Anatolian people and spilled from their quiet inner gardens are presented with a selection from the collections of Mr. İkumi Nonaka and İbrahim Koca.
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Although the exact date is unknown, it is widely believed that the art of knitting originated in Central Asia, China and Egypt between the 3rd and 4th centuries BC. In fact, the art of knitting was born from the moment when people felt the need to cover, and the work of knitting continued to develop over time by increasing its fancy, appreciation, and creativity. It is known that the first examples of the Turkish knitting art, which dated back to 7th and 8th centuries BC, were found as a result of excavations in Central Asia.
When the art of knitting made with different tools were traced back, it was discovered that knitting made using needles were spread from Anatolia to the Balkans and then to Italy in the 12th century, and that knitting made with crochet was taught to the European settlers by the Andalusian Umayyads founded in Spain. The word “Oya”, which entered the French Academy lexicon as lace in 1594, began to have been called by this name since then.
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Corn Poppy Lace: A young girl who has come of age is raised delicately like e poppy in her father's house.
White Hyacinth lace: Loyalty and devotion
Almond Flower Lace: That the girl will marry the person she loves
Pepper Lace: Brides who are not on good terms with her husband or mother-in-law
Passion Flower Lace: Women who cannot be happy and leave their husbands
Kütüle Lace: The bride gives to her sister-in-law; The meaning "may we get well like flowers"
Purple Hyacinth Needlework: Hopeless love
Good News Lace: The young woman is expecting a baby
Chamomile Lace: Cleanliness and purity
Sycamore Leaf Lace: Long life and wisdom like sycamore
Barley Flower Lace: The woman complains about her husband's indifference
Plum Flower Lace: The happiness of the bride
Snake Plant Lace: Mother-in-laws who babble insensibly and pitilessly
Violet Lace: Loneliness and shyness
Pink Hyacinth Lace: The girl is engaged
Yellow Daffodil Lace: Falling in hopeless love and suffering heartache
Hyacinth Lace: Hope, love and purity
Wild Rose Lace: Women whose spouses work in another city
Tong with Bells Lace: it is believed to drive away evil spirits, means a quarrelsome, shrew person.
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Our needle lace, which has entered the world literature as "Turkish lace", differs from the two-dimensional lace that creates a space and is made to be sewn on an item, although it resembles lace at first glance, with its three-dimensional structure, it is an ornament on its own. The biggest factor in the development of needle lace was that Anatolia was on the Silk Road and silk production was made here.
Needle lace is a type of fine knitting that is generally formed as a result of knotting the yarn with a needle. However, various techniques are also used. These techniques differ from region to region. Some of these techniques are porous loop (triangle), non-porous loop (square), root, cirdik, fiskal, handrail, moustache, pipe. Embroideries made are called by various names such as giraffe, nightingale saliva, berry lace, fly wing, rocks. Today, with the development of technology, various threads resembling silk are used. Needle laces made using real silk require fine workmanship. Hair, horsehair, or thin wire are attached to the necessary places to ensure that the motifs stand upright in this type of lace made by knotting the threads with small needles. After the lace was finished, it was hardened and starched by applying tragacanth, gum, or egg white.

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Needle laces, which have a rich variety and a deep-rooted history, have provided the society to see the good and the beautiful with their beauty, aesthetics, and feelings, they have also been a source of livelihood for many households. The usage area of needle lace, which requires intensive labour, has expanded over time; While it is used to decorate house items such as chests, coffee tables, trays, mirror covers, wall panels, it has been believed that they have given happiness and peace at the same time. It has been prepared for dowry, used in items such as bedding, bundles, mawlid covers, Yemeni and prayer rugs. It was also used as a hairpin, scarf, collar ornament on the sleeves and collar parts of dresses and nightgowns.
İn the past, needle lace which adorned the headdresses of the efes’ clothes, was used as an aesthetic element and a message of delicacy that complemented the majestic stance of the efes. Various flower motifs with different features were made for brides, giving a special feature to crest decorations. Today, many designers can use needle lace in jewellery or home decoration.

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Flowers are a feast in life, The biggest orchestra of colors…
Nature has been an unknown world full of secrets, to which human beings have turned with great passion since ancient times. The requirements, curiosity and need for the beauty encountered in nature has always been as a motive. Nature itself, which is seen as the first source of learning, and the beauty, have been tried to be reached as it is imitated. As the production and accumulation of knowledge progressed, and as our mind, culture and actions developed, new beauties began to be added to the beauty of nature. Like other productions, handicrafts have emerged because of ongoing practices and productions depending on nature and living conditions since the existence of humanity.
Turkish handicrafts have many aspects such as representing the national artistic taste, being tied to tradition, providing the art culture in the family, developing creativity, reflecting the spiritual life, carrying a local character and providing income to the family. However, in this period when technology is developing very rapidly, most of the traditional handicrafts that people have struggled to make a living are now forgotten. Handicrafts such as needle lace, embroidery, carpet, rug, tile, illumination, calligraphy and leatherwork are tried to be kept alive by presenting them with new, different and modern practices.
Needle lace art is a unique type of Turkish handicrafts, which although very popular, is less known. Lace or embroidery woven on the edges of garments, which have been created with different techniques with a rich variety of motifs and colours within the tradition of ornamentation for centuries, have also become a silent means of communication with the messages they imply. When people were silent in Anatolia; when they were forced to become silent, the colours and motifs they chose were used to express their feelings instead; While green was describing desire, blue meant hope, white characterised happiness, black expressed mourning, purple hyacinth needlework has been used to express those who fell in love, and those who fell into hopeless love and suffered heartache...

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## Tour ### Description tour.description = Bursa Museum Virtual Tour ### Title tour.name = Bursa Museum